Tag Archives: Advanced Options

New App Allows BES Activation with BIS Data Plan

Enterprise Activation

It looks as though RIM has removed a huge barrier to entry to deploying the BES Express in organizations.  Up to now in order to take full advantage of the BES experience you needed to pay your carrier an additional $10-15 per month for a BES Data Plan.  The “BES Tax” gave you a service book on your device which allows for over the air activation. BES Express has been very popular with the corporate world because of this $0 price tag.  However activating devices on a carrier BIS plan can be a headache.

If you’re unfamiliar with this process, to activate a new BlackBerry on the company BES you would just need to ask your BES Admin for an activation password.  Once he assigned you the password, go to your BlackBerry under Advanced Options there would be an option called “Enterprise Activation”, type in your email address and the assigned password and click Activate.  After a short period of time your device is fully provisioned on the BES all without connecting to any desktop software.

BUT if you were not paying your carrier’s BES Tax this Enterprise Activation option was never pushed down to your device via Service Books so Desktop Manager was your only option for activating your new BlackBerry.

Today thanks to RIM BES Express users now live BES Tax-free.  They’ve put a new App in BlackBerry App World which gives you an Enterprise Activation option on your BlackBerry with a BIS data plan.

Continue reading New App Allows BES Activation with BIS Data Plan

Power Saving Tips for your BlackBerry Smartphone

It might be a stretch to call this “going green”, it isn’t on par with using reusable bags or replacing your light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs, but these are a few tips to help you maximize your battery charge!

Network Connections
Turn off unused connections when not in use for example: Wi-Fi ® Bluetooth® (Manage Connections)
Use “Auto On/Off” (Options>AutoOn/Off)
Use a single mode only.  Choose 2G or 3G rather than 2G and 3G.  (Options>Mobile Network)

When exiting, be sure to close the app, not leave it running in the background.  (Close with the ESC key, the rounded arrow not red power end key.  Or, choose Menu button and scroll down to close)
Log out of applications when they are not needed.

Continue reading Power Saving Tips for your BlackBerry Smartphone

Tapping into your BlackBerry Smartphone Memory

Smartphone memory can be tricky to navigate, so we wanted to break it down a bit and help you, our users, get the best use out of your BlackBerry® smartphone memory.

The memory on a BlackBerry smartphone can be broken down into two parts: working memory and storage space. Working memory is built into the device, and is used to store and run all your applications. Storage space is used to hold documents, pictures, music, and any other type of file on your device. Storage space is most often a microSD card which can be upgraded or swapped.

Continue reading Tapping into your BlackBerry Smartphone Memory

Unlocking a BlackBerry that has been locked by operator (Directions)

The BlackBerry shows the error message “SIM Card Rejected”, and a SIM Card is inserted that is from another country than where the BlackBerry was purchased.

The BlackBerry must be unlocked; the user must contact the service provider from which the BlackBerry is purchased to get a code that will unlock the phone.

BlackBerrys with a QWERTY keyboard(83xx, 87xx, 88xx, 9xxx)

  • Insert SIM card
  • Start the BlackBerry and turn off the antenna (Turn Wireless Off/Manages Connections). This is very important!
  • Go to “Options” and “Advanced Options”
  • Scroll down to “SIM Card”
  • Type “MEPD” (you will NOT be able to see what you are typing). The combination is [M][E][P][D]
  • Type “MEPD2” (you will NOT be able to see what you are typing). The combination is [M][E][P][D]alt[2]
  • Enter the code you’ve been given by your previous service provider
  • Press “Enter”
  • Restart the BlackBerry and turn on the antenna

BlackBerrys with Sure-Type keyboard (81xx, 82xx)

  • Insert SIM card
  • Start the BlackBerry and turn off the antenna (Turn Wireless Off/Manages Connections). This is very important!
  • Go to “Options” and “Advanced Options”
  • Scroll down to “SIM Card”
  • Type “MEPPD” (you will NOT be able to see what you are typing). The combination is [M][ER][OP][OP][DF]
  • Type “MEPP2” (you will NOT be able to see what you are typing).The combination is [M][ER][OP][OP] alt [2]
  • Enter the code you’ve been given by your previous service provider
  • Press “Enter”
  • Restart the BlackBerry and turn on the antenna

The BlackBerry should now be unlocked.


Having troubles with the new BlackBerry Messenger 5.0?

Yesterday, in celebration of the leaked BlackBerry Messenger 5.0, we discussed how to install BlackBerry Messenger. Within the article we linked to sources where you can download the application, both over the air and to your desktop. We also warned that you could encounter troubles. Practicing what I preach, I downloaded the 83xx version for OS 4.5 over the air. After a hefty file download, installation, and reboot, I saw that my BBM was gone completely. It seems to be a Verizon problem for those with OS Even so, some people might not like the leaked messenger. After the jump we’ll go over what to do if you want to downgrade.

Now that you’ve backed up your Messenger contacts, it’s time to say bye-bye to the application. Head into Options, Advanced Options, Applications, find BBM 5.0, and delete that sucker (see: how to delete BlackBerry applications). Now it’s time to reload.

If you have BlackBerry Desktop Software, you can use the Application Loader to reinstall BlackBerry Messenger. Once you’re done with that, you can go to the Restore function and bring back your contacts. That should have you back up and running with the old software.

For those who don’t have Desktop Software, you can download BBM over the air. Just head to http://yourcbcfamily.org/bb/curvebbm/ from your BlackBerry browser. Click the link, and you’ll be able to download and install the file. That’s what I did, and voila, BBM back and running — though with no contacts (so add me!).

The caveat with the link, though, is that it’s designed for, so I’m not sure if it will work on other OSs. You can give it a try, of course, but remember that it might mess up your BlackBerry even more.

I hope this helps. I was damn glad to find it after I spent a good while trying to figure out why BBM was not working on my Berry.