Tag Archives: 9000

Which Carrier Will Sell the BlackBerry Bold 9900 first?

BlackBerry 7 Lineup

There is rampant speculation going on about release dates for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930. Its a pretty sure thing that some carrier in North America or internationally will launch the Bold 9900 before the Torch 9810 or 9850/9860 launch. The whole situation sort of reminds me of the BlackBerry Bold 9000 launch which came out in Canada before the US though thankfully this time it is not an AT&T exclusive.

So I thought we could have some fun placing gentlemen’s bets on who gets the 9900 out first. My bet is sadly on Rogers though I wish it was AT&T or Verizon.

via: bbreview

Official: OS for BlackBerry Bold 9000 via T-Mobile Germany

Official OS from T-Mobile Germany has reached the BlackBerry Bold 9000. If you have a Bold 9000, get out that USB cord and give your a device a fresh OS. Don’t forget to drop a comment below and let us know how it’s working out for you! If it is any better for you?

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.


WeatherPro now available for BlackBerry

WeatherPro for BlackBerry

Regardless if you check the weather for travel plans, work or your daily excersise routine, a good weather app is a must-have on our BlackBerry device for a lot of us. WeatherPro by MeteoGroup, has been a top selling Android, Windows & iOS application for a while and now they have decided to show us BlackBerry users some of that love too. WeatherPro for BlackBerry 1.0 provides a 7 day forecast for more than 2 million locations. With updates every three hours you will always have access to the very latest weather, no matter where you are in the world.

With WeatherPro you can get animated worldwide satellite images and radar for much of Europe and the United States. WeatherPro for BlackBerry 1.0 supports radar for Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Denmark, the Baltic States, Sweden, Norway, Finland and the United States. WeatherPro is $4.99 and currently available for the following BlackBerry devices: 89xx, 9000, 93xx, 95xx, 96xx, 97xx & 9800.

For more information / download WeatherPro for BlackBerry 1.0

BlackBerry Monaco headed to production; BlackBerry Montana to be an 8900 or 9000 series?

mystery bb BlackBerry Monaco headed to production; BlackBerry Montana to be an 8900 or 9000 series?

One of our sources has told us that the BlackBerry Monaco, which could be the ‘Storm3′, has headed to production. We’ve also been told that RIM has almost certainly dropped the SurePress touchscreen technology from the Storm series (if this series even continues to exist). This leads us to believe that the Monaco may soon hit CDMA carriers, namely Verizon Wireless, as the replacement for a Storm3.

The Monaco is supposed to sport a 3.7-in touchscreen, trackpad, 512MB RAM, OS 6, and possibly a 1GHz processor. There was this image that hit the web, which is said to resemble the Monaco almost identically. We’re eager to find more information come to light on the Monaco, as we’ve also heard whispers RIM is testing out a new horizontal keypad. Perhaps the Monaco may be a slider?

Something else interesting we’re being told is the BlackBerry Montana (bold/touchscreen hybrid) may be either an 8900 or 9000 series device. The Montana is said to rock a Bold 9000 shell with potentially a Curve 8900 keypad. Therefore, it has been undecided on which model series to choose as a model number. Although, it has been rumored to be model 9900 for some time.

Times are interesting for RIM as they continue to develop QNX, and have plans for dual-core ‘super phones’. We don’t know if we’ll see any QNX-enabled BlackBerry smartphones in 2011, but there should be at least 4 new devices with OS 6. Out of the Monaco and Montana, which one would you get?

via: n4bb

Leaked OS for BlackBerry Bold 9000

There are honestly quite a few times each week that I pull out my BlackBerry Bold 9000 and wish there was an OS 6 I could load up. I still love that device and would keep rocking it if the OS was up to date. While this is pretty much a pipe dream, there are many users that are still faithful to the 9000. For them we have leaked OS for the Bold 9000 today. No reports in on this one yet, so if you install be sure to drop a comment letting us know how it goes.

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release. If you require support. *

Download OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9000

Source: N4BB

Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9900


BlackBerry 7

While most of us still aren’t lucky enough to have a BlackBerry Bold 9900 to call our own, there are some out there already living it up with the latest device. Here is another of only a few leaks that we’ve seen for the BlackBerry Bold 9900, this one in the forum of OS Granted not many will have a chance to play around with this OS (no it won’t work on your Bold 9000 or any other device) some can hopefully put it to good use. If you are a lucky Bold 9900 owner be sure to drop a comment here and let us know how it is for you, then toss the device in a box and email me for my address 🙂  Thanks again!

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release. *

Download OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9900

BlackBerry Bold 9790 (Onyx III?!) Photos Emerge!

BlackBerry Bold 9790 BlackBerry Bold 9790

If you’re seeing this post and thinking to yourself what the heck is a  BlackBerry Bold 9790? you’re not alone. We’re kind of stumped by the existence of this one, though I’m thinking it’s the device we have talked about previously that went by the codename Onyx III. With a look that’s very similar to the BlackBerry Bold 9780, the 9790 shown in the photos (more pics below) apparently packs a lot of the next-generation stuff that we’ll be seeing in the BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930, including:

  • 8 GB internal memory
  • OS 7
  • QWERTY / QWERTZ Keyboard
  • Touch Screen
  • NFC

Continue reading BlackBerry Bold 9790 (Onyx III?!) Photos Emerge!