Category Archives: South Africa

RIM Launches Bold 9900 in South Africa

Today RIM has officially announced that the Bold 9900 will be available via Vodacom in South Africa.The 9900 will be Vodacom’s first OS 7 device to reach its customers.Vodacom offers services to over 43 million customers in South Africa.

The Bold 9900 is the first BlackBerry smartphone to offer built in support for NFC ( Near Field Communications),which allows it to pair with NFC-enabled accessories, and read SmartPoster tags. The Bold 9900 comes equipped with a 1.2 GHz processor, a 24-bit high resolution touch screen, and the ability to record HD video.

What do you think of the Bold 9900? Tell in the comments bellow..

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Zantel Hires BlackBerry Development Shop to Kickstart African Apps Market

africaEtisalat, which owns a controlling stake in Tanzania’s Zantel, has partnered with app development shop EMS, to develop a new app store for BlackBerry apps. The new store will provide a wide range of apps including games, instant messaging, social networking, news, weather and PIM apps. The Zantel chief commercial officer, Mr Norman Moyo said in the statement that his company decided to come up with the initiative after realising that Africa and Tanzania in particular is in dire need of BlackBerry applications. The problem with the new store is that the carrier should be partnering with RIM on the initiative, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. We know Etisalat has been spying on its users before, and even though it’s a Zantel initiative, the carrier’s reputation is very tarnished and one should be weary of anything they’re involved in.

If you’re interested in a Nigerian BlackBerry app development company, we recommend you check out The Nigerian IT firm has some interesting BlackBerry apps such as TagIt that lets you tag your friends in photos right on your BlackBerry. They also have a ScreenCap app that doesn’t add any watermarks unlike ScreenMuncher and supports sending the photos directly to UberSocial.

via: bbcool

East Africa-Zandel Set To Launch BlackBerry Solution in Tanzania

EMS East Africa Zandel Set To Launch BlackBerry Solution in TanzaniaZantel also known as Emitac Mobile Solutions (EMS) and Research in Motion (RIM) are set to launch the BlackBerry solution in Tanzania. With their partnership, the BlackBerry solution will bring together smart phones, software and such services to customers as wireless access to email, messaging, phone, calendar, Internet and multimedia applications.

Zantel’s chief commercial Norman Moyo said:

“Zantel is proud to be associated with RIM in launching the BlackBerry solution in Tanzania. The launch of the BlackBerry solution enables us to add an innovative product that offers immense value to our customers. Zantel provides the widest network in Tanzania, our customers can enjoy the mobility offered by the BlackBerry solution across the country.”

Via AllaAfrica


South Africa honors BlackBerry as the 'Coolest Brand Overall'

South Africa honors BlackBerry as the 'Coolest Brand Overall'

In Sunday Times’ Generation Next 2011 Brand Survey Awards, BlackBerry was hailed as the Coolest Brand Overall, with top honors in the Coolest High-Tech Gadget and Coolest Cellphone categories. The outcomes of the 7th yearly Generation Next Brand Survey Awards had been declared in Johannesburg on Wednesday, and one of the prime reasons for declaring BlackBerry the Coolest Brand Overall was BBM just as I thought earlier. BBM was, in fact, awarded with ‘Best Cellphone Application’. Craige Fleischer, Regional Director Southern Africa at RIM, shares his excitement pointing out that the active youth of today is what made everything possible:

“Generation Y’s choice of BlackBerry for the coolest brand overall reflects the importance the smartphone has assumed in the increasingly connected lives of a tech-savvy generation. The BlackBerry smartphone is a social tool and a lifestyle device that keeps them in touch with everything that matters to them.”

As part of Generation Y myself, I can only say that I wholeheartedly agree. My BlackBerry smartphone is definitely a powerful social tool and it helps me keep up with my daily chores, something my BlackBerry does particularly well. But what are your thoughts on this? Is BlackBerry along with BBM the killer combo every teenager has dreamed of – or are there better options available? Voice your opinion in the comments!

Source: Newstime

South African Youth Name BlackBerry As Country’s Leading Smartphone Brand

While BlackBerry the brand has been getting a lot of flack for not being cool in North America, it’s getting a lot of love from the youth in South Africa. BlackBerry was named as the ‘Coolest Brand Overall’ in the Sunday Times Generation Next 2011 Brand Survey Awards. BlackBerry also took top honours in the ‘Coolest Cellphone’, ‘Coolest High-Tech Gadget’ categories and BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) was named ‘Best Cellphone Application’.

This must be a great boost to company morale considering South Africa has been leading what’s cool in North America recently with music from artists like Jack Parow. Apparently the smartphones of choice are in the lower price range including the 8520.

It’s clear that while the mainstream media is focused on a small sample of North America, journalists would do best to go into other regions to get the full story.
