Category Archives: United States

BlackBerry Torch 9850 now available online from Verizon

Verizon BlackBerry Torch 9850

As announced just a few days ago, the BlackBerry Torch 9850 is now available for purchase online from Verizon. You can grab it for $199 with a 2-year contract or for $499 sans-contract. The Torch 9850 features a 1.2GHz processor, full touchscreen, 5MP, HD video recording and more. Those of you wanting to grab one in stores will have to wait a few more days. Hit the link below for more.

Check out the BlackBerry Torch 9850 at Verizon


Sprint BlackBerry Bold 9930 non-camera version launches on September 9th

BlackBerry Bold 9930 non-camera version launches on Sprint September 9th

Although Verizon has had a non-camera version available since launch, Sprint will now be releasing their non-camera version of the BlackBerry Bold 9930 on September 9th. While many folks can make use of the camera equipped versions, there is still somewhat of a demand in the business sector for devices without cameras. Some employers simply do not allow the use of camera equipped phones. Fewer and fewer device manufacturers are catering to this user base, instead relying on software locks and IT policies to block camera access. RIM could do that as well through the BES infrastructure but it’s still nice to see separate devices being made available.

Personally, if I never used the camera on my device — I think I’d opt for a non-camera version just for the cleaner appearance of it. No price difference is found between the two versions but if you’re in need of a non-camera equipped BlackBerry and Sprint is your carrier; you can get the BlackBerry Bold 9930 for $249 from Sprint starting September 9th.


T-Mobile Offering BlackBerry Bold 9900 to Developers for $199 With No Activation Fee

RIM Developers T-Mobile BlackBerry Bold 9900 Discount

T-Mobile might be selling the BlackBerry Bold 9900 to customers for $299 but one of our tipsters let us know about a program T-Mobile is running for BlackBerry developers. Developers can get the BlackBerry Bold 9900 for $199.99 for a limited time after a $50 mail in rebate. T-Mobile did something similar in the past together with RIM for previous devices so its nice to see them continuing. The offer for developers expires on November 1st 2011 and requires a 2 year agreement though they nicely waive the $35 activation fee. No word on if this offer is also good for users who are upgrading.

Continue reading T-Mobile Offering BlackBerry Bold 9900 to Developers for $199 With No Activation Fee

More info: Verizon Officially Announces Torch 9850 Release Date

Today, Verizon officially announced their pricing, and launch date for the Torch 9850. We know many people have been patiently waiting for this one. So here is the scoop.

  • will be available online at Verizon Wireless on Sept. 8
  • will be available in Verizon Wireless Communications Stores on Sept. 15
  • Price is $199.99 with a new two-year customer agreement.
  • will need to subscribe to a Verizon Wireless Nationwide Talk plan beginning at $39.99 for monthly access and a smartphone data package starting at $30 monthly access for 2 GB of data
  • comes with free 16 GB micro card

Key Features Of The 9850

  • 3G coverage
  • 3.7-inch high-resolution touchscreen display (800 x 480) with trackpad navigation
  • 1.2 GHz processor
  • Global Ready™ – Quad band with support for UMTS, HSPA, GSM, GPRS and EDGE allowing customers to enjoy wireless voice and data service in more than 200 countries, including more than 95 with 3G speeds
  • 5-megapixel camera with flash and 720p HD recording capabilities
  • Wi-Fi b/g/n, GPS and Bluetooth® 2.1
  • 16 GB microSD™ card pre-installed, with support for up to 32 GB microSD card

There you have it folks. The wait is over.

Verizon BlackBerry Torch 9850 Officially Launches September 8th!


We heard rumors that it was coming but now it is official. Verizon has announced the pricing and launch dates for the all touch BlackBerry Torch 9850. The Torch 9850 will be available on Verizon’s website on Sept. 8th and will be in stores on Sept. 15th. Yes you read that right it launches in less than 2 days. Nothing else is really new other than it coming with a free 16GB MicroSDHC card.

The BlackBerry Torch 9850 will be selling on Verizon for $199.99 with a new two-year contract and will require a Nationwide Talk plan of $39.99+ and a data plan of $30+. Check out the details from the press release below!

Continue reading Verizon BlackBerry Torch 9850 Officially Launches September 8th!

AT&T could sell 25% of T-Mobile to sway feds in favor of acquisition

AT&T is prepared to make sacrifices in an effort to sway the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission in favor of its planned $39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile, Reuters reported on Friday. On August 31st, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against AT&T in attempt to block the merger, a move that is said to have caught both AT&T and T-Mobile USA’s owner, Deutsche Telekom, off-guard. “AT&T is pretty determined that they can find a solution, and they are pretty confident,” one source told Reuters, which noted AT&T’s “two-track” plan that includes possibly selling off as much as 25% of T-Mobile, including customers and spectrum, if the deal is approved. It is still unclear who could be a potential customer for the assets, however, as the government could investigate Sprint or Verizon Wireless if either carrier chose to purchase those assets. Reuters said U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle will preside over the case and said Huvelle is known for moving swiftly. AT&T has asked for an expedited hearing and the case could be heard within the next two months.



Sprint Also Increasing Upgrade Fees to $36


In lieu of yesterdays news about Sprint raising their ETF(Early Termination Fee) to $350, the group over at SprintFeed also got info on Sprint raising their upgrade fees from $18 to $36.  No one is quite sure why Sprint is doing this, and many people feel it is part of an Iphone recovery plan.  With this double whammy, I am sure there are more than a few upset Sprint customers.  These changes come in to effect the same day as the early ETF hike, September 9th, 2011.

Source: SprintFeed


AT&T willing to make concessions to save T-Mobile merger, sources say

Now that the US government has moved to block its merger with T-Mobile, AT&T is gearing up for a long and potentially pricey legal battle with the Department of Justice. According to Reuters, however, the provider is also working on a settlement offer, in the hopes of bypassing the courtroom altogether. Sources close to the matter say AT&T will soon present its proposal to antitrust regulators, who are concerned that the company’s purchase of T-Mobile may hinder market competition. Details on the proposal remain vague, though it will likely include promises to keep T-Mobile’s low-cost data and calling plans, along with pledges to sell off some of its own assets. But some insiders say the carrier may have to sell up to 25 percent of T-Mobile’s business in order to put regulators’ minds at ease. AT&T has yet to comment on the report, though one of Reuters‘ sources claims that its lawyers are “pretty determined that they can find a solution, and they are pretty confident.”



BlackBerry Bold 9900 now available on T-Mobile, still late to the 7 OS party

We knew this day was coming, so there are no surprises here. BlackBerry’s latest addition to its portrait QWERTY family, the Bold 9900, is on sale now at T-Mobile stores. The chrome trimmed, 14.4Mbps HSDPA capable handset’ll run you $350 (before a $50 mail-in rebate) with a two-year commitment, or you can always fork over the full $600 if you’d rather steer clear of the carrier’s contract chains. In case you were in need of a refresher, the phone packs a zippy 1.2GHz processor, 2.8-inch capacitive touchscreen and runs BlackBerry 7 OS. Feeling like it’s time to update your crackberry habit? Then head to the source below to get your order on.




AT&T BlackBerry Bold 9900 Update: Still waiting on an official release date…


Hell No, We Won't Go, Give Us the BlackBerry Bold!
Please AT&T… give us a release date for the Bold 9900. We don’t want to have to picket 🙂

Anybody who dare think or say that the passion for BlackBerry is waning need not look further than the reader comments on our Petition to AT&T to Release the BlackBerry Bold 9900. AT&T… you seriously need to read them. It’s clear that AT&T CUSTOMERS WANT THEIR BLACKBERRY BOLD 9900s and by not having it released you are losing out!!

On this week’s CrackBerry Podcast, we discussed the petition and half-seriously/half-jokingly decided that September 17th would be the day we take to the streets and do some good ‘ole fashioned smartphone picketing to bring more real-world attention to our cause if we hadn’t received a received word on a release date by then. That’s all we’re looking for AT&T, just a little better communication about the BlackBerry Bold 9900. Better than a release date we’d like to see it released SOON of course, but I think a lot of us would be happier right now if we just knew when it would become available.

I’m still struggling with a reason of why it hasn’t been released seeing as Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile are all selling the 9930/9900, but at this point I don’t even care. The most likely reasoning is actually a positive one — that AT&T is pushing their exclusive of the Torch 9810 for only $49.99, which is a GREAT DEAL (so thank you for that AT&T). I know quite a few Torch 9800 owners now who have gone ahead and upgraded to the 9810 because of this deal and they’re loving it. But I just hate seeing people jonesing for a new BlackBerry any longer than they need to, and I think to a lot of people the Bold 9900 is distinctly different than the Torch 9810.

In the meantime, the petition is still going strong at the link below (and by leaving a petition comment you’ll be entered to win an AT&T BlackBerry Bold 9900 when it gets released) so be sure to jump over to the petition and have your voice heard.

Read / Sign the AT&T BlackBerry Bold 9900 Petition.
