Category Archives: BlackBerry Advertisements


All BlackBerry Ads Should Be Made in South Korea

The latest BlackBerry Torch ad has aired in Korea and it reminds us of a lot of the other smartphone ads in Korea. The ads have a certain look to them with something we just can’t put our finger on. Can you figure out what all these smartphone ads have in common? Why don’t ours seem this good? We can’t figure it out…


Awesome BlackBerry PlayBook Ad for Airport Domination!

PlayBook AIrport Ad

I am not sure exactly what the story is with this advertisement (Is it new or old? Where is it?) but Gokulesh sent it in to us and I love it. The video was just uploaded by Monster Media and was done in partnership with Starcom and Razorfish. I really want to find this airport and experience some “BlackBerry PlayBook Domination!” The most I have seen about it is MonsterMedia pitching it as one of their non-traditional advertising methods along with their portfolio.

Video below:

Continue reading Awesome BlackBerry PlayBook Ad for Airport Domination!

When Will the BlackBerry 7 Device Advertising Blitz Start?

BlackBerry Models

With RIM being very coy about the BlackBerry 7 device launch dates and carriers already rolling out the devices I am left with one question. What sort of advertising campaign will accompany RIM’s largest device rollout ever? If you remember the Torch 9800 last year that was in your face for a few months and really helped sales. Now that RIM is launching 7 new devices in a month you think we should be hearing about it on every advertising medium out there. Customers should know that the new wave of BlackBerrys is finally here or almost here.

What do you think?


BlackBerry PlayBook has best HTML5 Browser

According to the BlackBerry PlayBook currently ranks as the top HTML5 Browser when compared to competitors tablets. If you’re a PlayBook user this comes as no surprise as we know how great our tablet’s browsing capabilities are. The PlayBook’s browser renders websites the way the internet has meant them to be seen and it’s awesome to see it get the recognition it deserves.

BlackBerry PlayBook Commercial Shows Off BlackBerry Bridge

We all know BlackBerry’s marketing department isn’t the greatest, specially when it comes to commercials. We all know how long it took for a PlayBook commercial to finally hit the airways and truth be told these commercials have left lots to be desired when compared to other competitors’ tablets’ commercials. Well there’s a new commercial that’s making its way on TV. This time, RIM highlights the awesome BlackBerry Bridge benefit of owning both a PlayBook and BlackBerry smartphone. About time too as this should’ve been one of the top selling points to drive current BlackBerry owners to not only buy the RIM tablet but also stay with their BlackBerry smartphones as a whole.

Check out the video above and let us know your thoughts the COMMENTS below..

via: cb

Video: BBM 6 – Introducing the new BBM Commercial

When your IM application is one of the cornerstones of your mobile device, do you release an update without announcing it to the whole world? RIM has started releasing videos promoting BBM 6 & it’s integration with other applications.

At last count, I had 6 applications connected to my BBM & I’m sure we’ll see many more released in the upcoming weeks.

What’s been your experience with BBM 6 & BBM Integration?

Renault debutes concept car FRENDZY featuring the BlackBerry PlayBook!

The 64th Frankfurt Motor Show is in September, and ahead of that Renault has debuted their latest concept car, the FRENDZY. Not only a commercial business vehicle, the FRENDZY  also has “family” mode to truly take this concept from work to play. This design is futuristic and sleek, but it’s also got a practical side. The BlackBerry PlayBook has a big part in this concept car, as the center console has a dock specifically for it to truly turn the FRENDZY into an office on wheels.

BlackBerry PlayBook can allow users to benefit from an effective workplace and unrestricted mobility while on the go. This makes it particularly well suited to neighbourhood deliveries and local craftsmen, for whom it is a genuine work tool, both inside and outside of the vehicle.

The tablet connects directly into the centre console, ensuring perfect convenience of operation once on the move. As soon as it is plugged in, it becomes an integral element of the vehicle and configures itself into the Renault environment. Continuity of work is assured once the device is removed, and it can of course be used for all of the renowned BlackBerry PlayBook tablet features.

The device has an important role to play, too, in the customization of the vehicle as it controls the exterior screen while the vehicle is in motion and when parked, for business as well as for personal uses – pictograms illustrating life with electric vehicles, or the viewing of a film, for example.
Sensors located on each door sill log the loading or unloading of packages equipped with RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) chips containing key information such as destination address, weight and dimensions. This gives users a real-time inventory of the goods being carried in their vehicle. In addition, tradesmen can automatically calculate or re-calculate their itineraries on the basis of this information.

Complete details can be found in the press release at the link below. I think this concept is awesome!! Would you drive something like this? Let us know in the comments below.

Renault Frendzy: A Vehicle for Work and Family!

PlayBook Gets RadioShack Demo Video & Best Buy Commercial Treatment

PlayBook Radio Shack PlayBook Best Buy

While both of these videos are not as funny as the Carphone Warehouse demo or as slick as the Telus PlayBook commercial they are still nice to see stateside. AccuBerry noticed this demo video posted up by Radio Shack. Here is what they have to show:


Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video Link


We also have a relatively new commercial for the PlayBook by Best Buy that was spotted by Adam @CrackBerry.

Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video Link



Angry Birds in real life!

[Mobile? Click Here for Video]

As we wait for Angry Birds to invade our BlackBerry PlayBooks, T-Mobile gives us a entertaining commercial that depicts the Angry Birds game in real life. Watch how people use a simple smartphone to play a life-size version of the Angry Birds game – complete with real flying birds and exploding pigs!


Humorous FedEx Office Print & Go commercial features two BlackBerry Torches

I ran across this commercial for FedEx Office Print & Go today, and while it’s not new exactly, I thought it was humorous as well as informative. Who can’t use a laugh on a Monday, right? This ad features a couple of business men at FedEx Office, trying to print a document from their boss, using their BlackBerry Torches. It’s a clever ad, and reminded me that I want to try this app out sometime. After watching the tutorial video for HP ePrint and seeing how easy it looks to print documents from your device right to the copier at FedEx Office, without ever having to wait for an employee to do it for you or rent the computers there to get to your document, I can really see how this would be a valuable application for anyone on-the-go that needs to print something quick. You can check out more information at the links below.

More information/download the HP ePrint App from BlackBerry App World
Read about HP’s ePrint Mobile Printing
Read about FedEx Office Print & Go
