Category Archives: IM Software

App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

It has been about a month or so since RIM launched BBM 6 and its BBM social platform status allowing for apps to integrate with BBM. At the time of its launch there were a handful of apps that came with BBM integration, but since then the list has grown quite a bit. Doing a search on BlackBerry App World gives you a whole load of apps with BBM integration, but not all apps show in the same search. So to make it easier for our NHCBBA readers thanks to Crackberry, here’s a round-up of all the current BBM integrated apps and games. Don’t forget you’ll need BBM 6 in order to avail of the BBM Social Platform, and not all apps are compatible with all devices.

Keep reading for the full list.


Continue reading App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

BBM Music appeared in App World Yesterday

It seems that BBM Music is slowly being prepared for mass market launch, as it has been spotted in App World yesterday. The app is still Beta Zone-only & requires a keycode, but it’s quite simple to download now.

With a Period End Date of late September, maybe we are merely weeks away from launch?


Poynt joins with Missing Children Society of Canada bringing child search alerts to your BlackBerry

Every year over 300,000 children are abducted in Canada and the US. This statistic is both heartbreaking and frightening, especially if you’re a parent. It’s always nice to see developers of popular applications updating their apps for the better good of the world, and this is one of those occasions. Poynt announced yesterday that they have joined with the Missing Children Society of Canada (MCSC) to assist in the fight against child abduction.

A first-of-its-kind geo-targeted notification system through a mobile app, Poynt will assist in the timely location and recovery of missing or abducted children. When a child goes missing or new information on their whereabouts is received, time is of the utmost importance. By pushing geo-relevant Child Search Alerts to Poynt users already in the vicinity of a missing child, Poynt and MCSC will be able to quickly disseminate important information to aid in the recovery of missing children. The Child Search Alerts will direct Poynt users to a mobile website where they can view information about the missing child including pictures, a physical description, background details, information about other potential people who are with the child, as well as the areas where the child is thought to be located.

This is awesome news and a partnership that has potential to do a lot of real good in the world.


Poynt can be found in BlackBerry App World.[qrcode pix=180][/qrcode]


Full press release and further details about the new feature can be found after the break.

Continue reading Poynt joins with Missing Children Society of Canada bringing child search alerts to your BlackBerry

Free Official FML (FmyLife) App Provides Loads of Laughs

There have been quite a few FML BlackBerry apps released over the years for the awesome website. Tom let me know about the latest by Antoine Réveillon which allows you to easily read the stories from FmyLife. The thing is if you go to the FML website they have this app listed as the OFFICIAL FML BlackBerry app which says something I guess.


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This official app lets you to send them your FMLs, log in to your account, read and post comments, moderate the pending FMLs. This is just the first version and they are promising updates.

You can find the free FML app in App World[qrcode pix=180][/qrcode]


BlackBerry Messenger v6.0.1.15 available in BlackBerry Beta Zone

BlackBerry Beta Zone members have a new version of BlackBerry Messenger available today. If you are currently testing BBM Music, you are instructed to stay on BBM v6.0.0.129, but if you aren’t involved in that program, you may feel free to install v6.0.1.15 and give it a whirl. This upgrade is said to have focused on fixing file and picture transfer bugs, as well as the addition of subscription payment support for platform-enabled apps. Be sure to do a back-up before installing, and leave feedback in the Beta Zone discussion forums.

If you’re not already a member of BlackBerry Beta Zone and would like to sign up, head on over to and get registered.


Facebook for BlackBerry receives an update due to a fix timeline refresh and app freezes

We all know that Facebook for BlackBerry is a hit or miss, depending on the user, but today the folks have released an update to address some issues that users were seeing. Many of us, myself included, got stuck with a timeline that wouldn’t refresh or once the application was launched, it would just freeze up — sometimes to the extent that a battery pull was needed. The update to version should address both of these issues and probably some others that they didn’t list, but either way be sure to hop onto App World and grab the update now. Also Check our Facebook at

Download the Facebook for BlackBerry updat[qrcode pix=120][/qrcode]

Extra! Extra! Tweet all about it! Are you a Blackberry Reporter? We Need you to help!

The movie Bruce Almighty was on TV recently; a 2003 comedy where a frustrated field reporter was lent the powers of the big G for a week. During the film, Bruce used his newfound powers to become “Mr. Exclusive” – being the first, and the only, reporter on the scene at major news that he himself created. Putting aside the divine powers, it can be argued that almost anyone can become a Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Exclusive – with the right tools of course.

The way we access the news is continually changing as mobile technology advances. I don’t know how many times I would catch the news on an application such as Viigo long before I would be able to sit down in front of the six o’clock news. Do you even venture to the newspaper stand to pay for a paper anymore? Why would you when you can read it online for free? The news has come and gone long before the paper hits the stands – the term “hot off the presses” no longer applies. Terms like “trends” and “feeds” have easily replaced it as they better reflect that instantaneous access we have. If you have a smartphone (or dumbphone for that matter) in hand, and you’re on the scene, you could potentially become a mobile reporter.

Continue reading Extra! Extra! Tweet all about it! Are you a Blackberry Reporter? We Need you to help!

Smoothie by Tafasa – Blending two berries has never been more fun!

BlackBerry Messenger is a great way to keep up with your friends, and with the new BBM Social Platform and integration with different apps you can easily meet new people that share similar interests. Tafasa has created an app for exactly this purpose. Smoothie has two different aspects, so whether you’re looking for a group of people already talking, or some one-on-one time with someone new, you’re sure to find it here.

The first section is Blender, in which you can start a conversation with a random person based on criteria you pre-select. You specify age, gender, location, and interests. If the person you’re connected to isn’t what you were looking for, Smoothie will connect you to someone else. The second part is called Coffee Shop. Here you will find group conversations on any number of topics and you can join in at the click of a button. Not finding a topic you’re in to? No problem, start a conversation of your own for others to join!

Other features include:

  • Built on the new BBM6 platform, giving you all the power and fun BBM has to offer
  • Custom profiles with a picture, interests and a display name
  • Integrates with the BlackBerry notification system so you never miss a message while in a conversation
  • Add people you meet to BBM from within the application
  • Meet people interested in the same things as you
  • Fun and easy to use

Smoothie is free and compatible with BlackBerry smartphones on OS 5 and greater, and you must be running BBM6 to use it. Most countries are supported as well. Check out Smoothie today, and let us know what you think in the comments below!

More information/screenshots and to download Smoothie[qrcode pix=180][/qrcode]



BlackBerry Messenger v6.0.0.129 Brings Back “What I Am Listening To” and Bug Fixes

BBM Update

RIM just made a huge update to BBM a bit back bringing it to v6.0.0.125 and now we have a subsequent bug fix edition released this weekend bumping us up to v6.0.0.129. This is a small update but it still requires the full 4.3MB download. From what we have heard from readers it brings back the “Show What I am Listening To” feature in the options along with bug fixes.

You can pick up BBM in App World[qrcode pix=120][/qrcode]

Avatar Builder v1.0.2 Adds Support for More Countries

Avatar Builder Update

While I am not sure exactly what countries were added in this update it does look like some have definitely been added to the list. Terrence and a few other readers pointed out to us that RIM is rolling out a v1.0.2 of Avatar Builder. So far we have only received screenshots of the Girls Avatar Builder Edition being updated but it could be the Guys is also updating.


The App World release notes for the update contain one line:

Available for More Countries

Let us know if you notice a new country on the list. From what I can tell Ecuador is new but Saudi Arabia is still not there. Check out the different versions below:

via: bbreview