Category Archives: Blogs

Poynt Updated to v1.2 On the BlackBerry PlayBook

Poynt has rolled out v1.2 of their PlayBook app today. This new version does not have an official changelog sadly but users have been sending in unofficial ones. So far BarracudaBob noticed events and gas added like the smartphone app. Tim let us know that you can now buy movie tickets too. Let us know what else you spot!

You can pick up the new version of Poynt free in App World[qrcode pix=120][/qrcode]

Facebook for BlackBerry receives an update due to a fix timeline refresh and app freezes

We all know that Facebook for BlackBerry is a hit or miss, depending on the user, but today the folks have released an update to address some issues that users were seeing. Many of us, myself included, got stuck with a timeline that wouldn’t refresh or once the application was launched, it would just freeze up — sometimes to the extent that a battery pull was needed. The update to version should address both of these issues and probably some others that they didn’t list, but either way be sure to hop onto App World and grab the update now. Also Check our Facebook at

Download the Facebook for BlackBerry updat[qrcode pix=120][/qrcode]

Extra! Extra! Tweet all about it! Are you a Blackberry Reporter? We Need you to help!

The movie Bruce Almighty was on TV recently; a 2003 comedy where a frustrated field reporter was lent the powers of the big G for a week. During the film, Bruce used his newfound powers to become “Mr. Exclusive” – being the first, and the only, reporter on the scene at major news that he himself created. Putting aside the divine powers, it can be argued that almost anyone can become a Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Exclusive – with the right tools of course.

The way we access the news is continually changing as mobile technology advances. I don’t know how many times I would catch the news on an application such as Viigo long before I would be able to sit down in front of the six o’clock news. Do you even venture to the newspaper stand to pay for a paper anymore? Why would you when you can read it online for free? The news has come and gone long before the paper hits the stands – the term “hot off the presses” no longer applies. Terms like “trends” and “feeds” have easily replaced it as they better reflect that instantaneous access we have. If you have a smartphone (or dumbphone for that matter) in hand, and you’re on the scene, you could potentially become a mobile reporter.

Continue reading Extra! Extra! Tweet all about it! Are you a Blackberry Reporter? We Need you to help!

BlackBerry Podcasts app v1.5.0.45 now available

The free BlackBerry Podcasts app was updated to v1.5.0.28 back in April but hasn’t seen much action since. According to RIM’s official forums that is going to change soon with them announcing v1.5.0.45 now available. That seems like a small bump but according to their forums it adds quite a few new features including push delivery of new episodes.



Features of the new version include

  • BlackBerry® push delivery
    When users subscribe to their favorite podcasts, they’ll receive notifications whenever new episodes become available. Users can get them delivered to their BlackBerry smartphone automatically.
  • Wireless access to podcasts
    With the BlackBerry Podcasts app, users can easily get their favorite podcasts onto their BlackBerry smartphone using Wi-Fi®.
  • Podcast Catalog
    Users can view their podcast subscriptions along with featured podcasts, top downloads, and specific categories like arts, entertainment, news and many more.
  • Free podcast content
    Users stay entertained with access to free podcast content using the BlackBerry Podcast app

The new version supposedly will be available on BlackBerry 4.6 to 7 OS devices, however, BlackBerry ID, is only available for BlackBerry 7 OS devices.’

Keep an eye out in App World on the Podcasts page for the update[qrcode pix=150][/qrcode]


Tweetcaster appears in App World and brings BBM Integration

Twitter clients galore across many platforms. Without a doubt, Twitter for BlackBerry and UberSocial for BlackBerry have been the most used clients for our OS. Tweetcaster is trying to change that concept and their latest app v1.1.0 is now available via App World. Tweetcaster also brings BBM integration along, as you can share a tweet via BlackBerry Messenger. I’ve always found this to be interesting and not really worth it because the best way to “share a tweet” would be through BBM status message and until BBM changes the max number of character (64) allowed it wouldn’t make sense to do so. Either way here’s the official description of what’s new with Tweetcaster for BlackBerry.

Continue reading Tweetcaster appears in App World and brings BBM Integration

RIM Updates BlackBerry News App to v1.1 – OS 7.0 Only?

I am not sure what to make of this one so let us know if you figure out more info. Tim let me know that RIM has announced BlackBerry News App v1.1 in their official forums. The thing is nobody has spotted the app in App World yet though that has not stopped RIM from changing the description to reflect v1.1 and putting up knowledge base articles about it. My current theory is that this new version is only available for OS 7.0 devices in App World though this version simply brings it to closer parity with what Viigo use to have before RIM acquired it.

The new version 1.1 of BlackBerry News adds:


  • Language support for English, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese
  • Unified Search for BlackBerry News articles on the device
  • All New items folder view
  • Google Reader Import
  • BlackBerry ID for OS 7.0 support

Let us know if you spot the update at this link in App World for your device[qrcode pix=180][/qrcode]

IM+ by SHAPE Updated with Neighbors Service and Russian Support

SHAPE Services let us know that IM+ for BlackBerry has been updated to version 9.0 and this most recent update brings a lot more features for Russian users. The IM+ app has been a very popular download as it lets you connect all of your favorite IM services and interact with them in a single application. In this most recent update, IM+ features:

  • Neighbors service is out of beta
  • VKontakte & Yandex IM services are now supported
  • IM+ is now also offered in Russian
  • SMS+ service is no longer supported
  • Bug fixes and performance optimization

The neighbors service is really interesting as it offers users the opportunity to find new real life connections and friends with common interests.

Head over to the SHAPE Services site for more information

Download the app[qrcode pix=150][/qrcode]

Gist for BlackBerry Gets Big Update & Support for More Countries

RIM purchase Gist a bit back as a way to create a social address book for BlackBerrys. Quite a few people were excited about what this could mean but it keeps on getting better. Gist just released a new version of their app (For OS 6.0 only) that first of all expands the app beyond the US and Canada. It is now available in :

  • Australia
  • India
  • New Zealand
  • Nigeria
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom

They have also bulked up the app which now allows you to connect to Twitter, Facebook, and Google Apps (Including Gmail, Google Apps, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts) to bring all of your contacts to one place in one app.

You can pick up this latest version of Gist in App World now[qrcode pix=180][/qrcode]

Thanks to everyone that sent this in!

via: bbreview

Challenge your friends and earn real-life rewards with Bouncity on your BlackBerry


Bouncity for BlackBerry

Bouncity is a new location based social gaming platform that certainly everyone will compare to foursquare. While it does have some similarities, the differences really set it apart. With Bouncity there is essentially a three step process: Go places, do challenges and get rewards. As you venture out into the real word (which hopefully you do) you’ll have to complete challenges are various venues that include checking in, answering questions, taking quizzes, taking photos and more. Along the way you’ll earn different rewards in Bouncity which you can turn into real-life goods by allocating your rewards points. There is of course integration with other social networks like Facebook and Twitter as well. Overall Bouncity is a pretty sweet social game to take on with your friends. If you’re a fan of foursquare, Gowalla and the like, this one is definitely worth checking out. Grab the BlackBerry app free from the link below.

More information/download of Bouncity for BlackBerry [qrcode pix=150][/qrcode]


Google Analytics for BlackBerry Available with Nomad Analytics


google analyticsAlthough the app has been around for some time we had to give a mention to Nomad Analytics: the one and only Google Analytics app for your BlackBerry. The app comes with a free trial and costs $4.99 afterwards. It’s surprising that it has taken this long to see a decent Google Analytics app but Nomad has done it. The app lets you track your websites and is incredibly simple to use. Simply log in with your Google credentials and the app pulls in all the sites registered with your account. Other features include:Main features of Nomad Analytics are:

  • Ability to select any of the sites linked to your Analytics account
  • Easy and intuitive menu navigation interface
  • Nice line and pie charts to easily provide main information graphically
  • Data & Graphs on daily, weekly and monthly basis for all the information provided
  • Selectable date format
  • Available in English and Spanish. More languages to come. Please write us to get yours included.

Data queries available on Nomad Analytics include:

  • Overview: show visits, visitors, pageviews, bounces, average visit time
  • Sources: show what site your users are coming from
  • Countries: see what is the country of your visitors
  • Keywords: know what keywords are your visitors using to reach you
  • Content: see what are the most viewed pages
  • Browser: show which browser are your visitors using
  • Operating Systems: check the OS of the people coming to your site
  • Languages: get to know what language are most of your visitors using
  • Networks: what ISP do your visitors come from
  • Mobile connections: you will know what type of mobile device your visitors are using

Check out the free trial of Nomad Analytics in App World.