Category Archives: Operating Systems

Official Update: OS for BlackBerry Curve 9360 via Digicel

Official OS has reached the BlackBerry Curve 9360 on Digicel. If you have a Curve 9360, get out that USB cord and give your a device a fresh OS.


Don’t forget to drop a comment below and let us know how it’s working out for you!

hNote: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the Blackberry Smartphone.

BlackBerry Desktop Software For Mac v2.2.0 now available for download in the BlackBerry Beta Zone

BlackBerry Desktop Software For Mac v2.2.0

After years of neglecting their Mac user baser, RIM seems to now be putting a lot more attention into making sure the BlackBerry tools available to Windows users are now also available to Mac users. As such, another update to BlackBerry Desktop Software For Mac is now available in the BlackBerry Beta Zone. This updates the currently available v2.1.2 to v2.2.. If you have a BlackBerry Beta Zone account and are signed up for the Desktop Software program you can now login and grab the download. Note however, this version is only available to North American users currently.

More info available in the BlackBerry Beta Zone


SK Telekom makes OS for the Bold 9900 official


Bold OS

If you are a BlackBerry Bold 9900 owner who isn’t a fan of leaked OS’s, but instead prefers to only install official variants you will be pleased to know SK Telekom has made OS Last week we saw this version as a leaked OS, but today it has been made an official, so get to downloading. As always, be sure to back up your device, and exercise caution while installing this release, and be sure to let us know in the forums how it goes for you.

Download OS for the Bold 9900


Leaked Pictures of QNX BlackBerry Fake

I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief. Yesterday, we reported there were pictures online of what was being dubbed as the first QNX-powered BlackBerry. The device, pictured above, is pretty hideous and looks like something that RIM would’ve put out in 2003 instead.

Continue reading Leaked Pictures of QNX BlackBerry Fake

Rumored QNX BlackBerry Images Leaked? We Have Our Doubts!

QNX-phone-leakThis is probably going to make you say that can’t be right! Which is the way I am leaning on this latest image that might be the rumored QNX BlackBerry. The image honestly looks pretty ugly at this point, which make me think they are either fake, or a nock-off device as we have seen many knock-off BlackBerry devices before.  Other rumors suggest that the first QNX device will be an all touch screen. This new image has a full QWERTY keyboard and a the traditional four buttons below the screen.  Hopefully this is not what we see released or the device looks a lot better later down the road. But for now we have our doubts whether this is the first QNX powered BlackBerry Smartphone. If it is true maybe we will see some higher resolution images soon.

Let us know what you make of this in the comments below.

Continue reading Rumored QNX BlackBerry Images Leaked? We Have Our Doubts!

BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 screenshots leak, reaffirm BES revamp

Purported images from version 2.0 of RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook OS have been published by a Chinese website. If authentic, they reaffirm several details about the upcoming OS — most notably, perhaps, is the platform’s lack of support for current versions of RIM’s BES enterprise email solution. BGR exclusively reported in early August that RIM has to rewrite its BES code in order to support the PlayBook’s QNX-based OS. As can be seen in the screenshot above, that rewrite is ongoing and as such, it looks like the next major tablet OS build will not support BES email despite finally adding native support for Exchange, IMAP and POP. Beyond that, another screenshot clearly shows an Android icon in the app menu, no doubt the Android Player RIM tablet fans have been clamoring for. Additional screenshots, including the one that shows RIM’s Android app player icon, follow below.

Continue reading BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 screenshots leak, reaffirm BES revamp

BlackBerry Curve 9350/9370 lands official OS from Sprint

9350 official

If you happen to be lucky enough to have one of the yet to be released BlackBerry Curve 9350 or Curve 9370 you will be happy to know that Sprint has released a brand new official OS. is available for download, and while we are unsure of what it fixes, or any issues that it may contain, it is yours to install. As usual, be sure to proceed with caution while installing this OS and be sure to jump in the forums and let us know how it goes for you.

Download OS for the BlackBerry Curve 9350/70.


BlackBerry Bold 9900 OS official from Vodafone New Zealand

Bold 9900

If you enjoy updating your BlackBerry Bold 9900, but prefer to only load an OS that lands as an official instead of leaked versions, Vodafone New Zealand has given us something new to play with. As we know leaked yesterday, and today Vodafone New Zealand has released an official OS for the 9900, Eventho this OS is an official, excercise caution when installing this on your device, and be sure to let us know in the forums how it goes for you.

Download OS for the Bold 9900


Mobilicity brings OS official for the 9700/9780 and the 9300


With the recent release of the BlackBerry 7 devices, followed by quite a few leaks and official OS drops, owners of BlackBerry 6 devices were probably left wondering if they were forgotten about. Today Mobilicity has dropped OS as an official release for the BlackBerry Bold 9700 and 9780 along with the BlackBerry Curve 9300.  Remember, be sure to have a back up of your device prior to installing, and proceed with caution.

Download OS


Android Copyright Notice Now in Latest BlackBerry OS Leak?

Android Copyright BlackBerry 7 Leak 2 Android Copyright BlackBerry 7 Leak

Here is a new head scratcher. Amir pointed out to us that the latest leak of OS on the BlackBerry Torch 9810 includes an interesting new copyright notice in the “About Device Versions” settings page. If you go to the 4th page of that you will see a new copyright notice that was not there before crediting the “Android Open Source Project” with all their rights reserved. We have seen RIM add in these sorts of copyright notices before for WebKit, fonts, and even the new Qualcomm snapdragon processor but where does Android come in? Maybe RIM is using some of their source code in some part of BlackBerry 7? If so why start putting the notice in later builds?

Some might even take it far enough to speculate that some part of Android might be making its way to BlackBerry 7 but who knows… Let us know if you spot anything else or if you have some fun speculation (or conspiracy theories) to add!