Category Archives: Other Messengers

IM+ for PlayBook Stuck in App World Approval Limbo for 3+ Months

IMPlus under review

This is really starting to get a bit ridiculous. We have told you in the past that Shape Services IM+ has been waiting for approval in App World since June 2nd of this year. The last time we mentioned it the app had been waiting for approval for 2+ months and RIM finally responded that it would be approved within 5-10 business days. That was 15 days ago. I get that RIM might be a bit busy with all of the BlackBerry 7 device launches but this is getting ridiculous. It has been well over 3+ months since the app was submitted to App World and VP level execs at RIM have been involved.

Continue reading IM+ for PlayBook Stuck in App World Approval Limbo for 3+ Months

IMO Launches Multi-Protocol Instant Messaging Client has launched their multi-protocol instant messaging app for BlackBerry. Also available on Android and iPhone, imo is a web-based communications service that enables users to hold text, voice and video chats across multiple instant messaging protocols.

The Beta app currently supports MSN, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Facebook, AIM/ICQ, Jabber, MySpace and Hyves with more features being added in the coming weeks. This web-based instant messanging suite supports concurrent sessions so you can be logged in on the desktop and on your phone simultaneously.

Appearing in BlackBerry App World soon,

imo is currently available as an over-the-air download.[qrcode pix=180][/qrcode]

via: bbcool

IM+ by SHAPE Updated with Neighbors Service and Russian Support

SHAPE Services let us know that IM+ for BlackBerry has been updated to version 9.0 and this most recent update brings a lot more features for Russian users. The IM+ app has been a very popular download as it lets you connect all of your favorite IM services and interact with them in a single application. In this most recent update, IM+ features:

  • Neighbors service is out of beta
  • VKontakte & Yandex IM services are now supported
  • IM+ is now also offered in Russian
  • SMS+ service is no longer supported
  • Bug fixes and performance optimization

The neighbors service is really interesting as it offers users the opportunity to find new real life connections and friends with common interests.

Head over to the SHAPE Services site for more information

Download the app[qrcode pix=150][/qrcode]

BlackBerry IM Clients v2.5.88 Leaked for OS 6.0 Devices

 googletalk wlm yahoo_messenger_header_sm

The fun continues with marginally updated versions of the BlackBerry IM clients. The latest were extracted by rr_yy and bring us up to v2.5.88 for those of us with OS 6.0 devices. Nobody is really noticing anything crazy different in these builds but it may be worth a shot if you absolutely have to have the latest version. Keep in mind they might also simply FUBAR your device so don’t say you were not warned!

Here are the links: - BlackBerry News and Reviews

Official RIM IM Clients Updated to v2.5.84 in App World

googletalk wlm yahoo_messenger_header_sm

RIM has officially updated their IM Clients to v2.5.84 this week. This is not as new as the 2.5.85 that was extracted out of previous leaked OS builds but its the latest official release. A few readers pointed out to us that the new builds are available in App World though they do not seem to be available at the direct URLs which is odd for RIM to do since usually App World is the laggard.

You can pick up the new versions of Google Talk, AIM, and Yahoo Messenger at the links below:

Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

IM+ for the BlackBerry PlayBook now held in BlackBerry App World limbo

im+ For BlackBerry PlayBook

If you frequent the NHCBBA PlayBook sister sites you’ve note doubt noticed a thread discussing the release of IM+ for the BlackBerry PlayBook rather, the lack of release. SHAPE services, the company behind many popular BlackBerry Apps and a BlackBerry Alliance member has taken up issue with RIM and their App World approval practices. And they have some pretty valid reasons for doing so. We’ve received the following email from SHAPE services explaining the issue:

On May 19th the first submission of IM+ for Playbook was sent to RIM. We’ve got auto response from RIM  acknowledging the submission of a new release.

Since we haven’t heard from RIM back and the developer was working on improving the app, on June 2nd we have submitted an update and got second auto response from RIM. We have never heard from RIM about the status of IM+ for Playbook.

As our Alliance Manager Maria mentioned in her Google+ post there were numerous attempts from our team to reach people from App World.  After there has been some discussion on CrackBerry forums and other BlackBerry related websites, some of guys have managed to get through to RIM and received a response from BlackBerry representative denying the submission.

Now it’s obvious for us that RIM doesn’t want IM+ for Playbook to exist. May be they see it as a threat to their BBM. This would be very anti-competitive behavior. Or is it just a chaos in RIM house? Anyway at the moment our development for Playbook is on hold and IM+ for PlayBook developer is temporary switched to IM+ for Android

Needless to say, that’s not the information you want to be hearing from any BlackBerry developers especially when they are working on apps for the BlackBerry PlayBook — a platform that needs new quality apps and needs them as soon as possible. Many folks in the forums have asked why we waited so long to post this, it’s clearly an app that everyone is waiting for and if for some reason it is being held back on purpose then it should be known. Fact is, we were hoping we wouldn’t have to considering the vocal stance SHAPE services took on the matter, RIM should have addressed the issue before it ever made it to our inboxes and on our forums but they haven’t.

As it stands right now, we’ve requested an update from RIM regarding the situation and what plans they have to address it but no info as of yet has been relayed. Hopefully, we’ll hear from SHAPE services noting the availability of IM+ for the PlayBook before we hear from RIM.

via: CB

HootSuite For BlackBerry Updated: Facebook Events & Twitter Lists

HootSuite For BlackBerry has been updated to v0.6.31.

Some of the new features include:

Originally Posted by :
Facebook Search streams– Search all public status updates for your brand or keyword, then save in a stream to trackFacebook Events stream – Keep track of event invitations, manage your RSVPs, and view the guest list and attendee status

Twitter List management – Create or view lists, add or remove people, see who’s listed you, and add lists as a permanent stream

Do you have features/fixes you’d like to see in HootSuite? Well, you can visit their Feature Request Forum to share your feedback.



Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, and Google Talk extracted from OS

Native IM apps

Earlier today OS leaked for the unreleased BlackBerry Bold 9900. While this OS as a whole isn’t useful for, well, anyone at this point, there are people out there that can dissect an OS and get useful bits out of it. As a result, we now have leaked versions of some popular IM apps, namely Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger, and Yahoo Messenger. They are all v2.5.85, and only tested on BB6+. Here’s the deal… if you decide to try these out, backup your device first. Install these at your own risk, and if something goes wrong, don’t blame us. With that said, let us know how they work for you in the comments below or in the forums! Thanks for posting this in the forums lyricidal!

Download Windows Live Messenger v2.5.85 (OS6+)
Download Yahoo! Messenger v2.5.85 (OS6+)
Download Google Talk v2.5.85 (OS6+)


Google Voice lets you change your digits, keep the old ones for $20

Remember when Google Voice assigned a number to your account with no option to port or integrate with Sprint? Oh how much simpler things were way back in Q1. When those new features first popped up, you were given a 90-day grace period to receive calls and texts to your old number after making a change. Now you can port, integrate, or just flat-out replace your number without sacrificing those old digits. After making the switch, head to the Settings tab in GV, then click “make permanent” within 90 days to keep the old number. You’ll be billed for a one-time $20 “administration charge” (hey, computers need to get paid, too), but you’ll forever be able to receive calls and texts sent to both, though outgoing calls and texts will only appear to be coming from the replacement — so you’ll still need to give your contacts a heads up after making the swap. We’re always happy to see Google Voice add new features — especially when they actually work — so if you’re ready to try your hand at phone number polygamy, get that credit card out and head over to GV.

[Thanks, Liam]

sourceGoogle Voice Blog

LiveChat Releases BlackBerry Client for Their Website Chat Service

LiveChat BlackBerry

LiveChat is a very popular chat service for business and consumer websites to be able to communicate with their customers directly on the site. They just released a BlackBerry client for their service which is pretty nice and runs in the background. It is currently in beta and has some limitations but it looks like they plan on adding features. You have the ability to have multiple chat sessions, speak to other chat operators, and see what customers are doing. They have more details on their forums.

If you or your company uses LiveChat’s service you can pick up their BlackBerry beta client here OTA or from App World.