Category Archives: Storm 3 now Torch aka Monaco, Monza or Danava (9860)

Storm 3 now in the Torch family aka Monaco, Monza or Danava (9860)

BlackBerry Torch 9860 & Curve 9360 Spotted in T-Mobile Inventory System

T-Mobile inventory system 9360 and 9860

We already had it on good authority that T-Mobile would be getting the BlackBerry Curve 9360 but things have been back and forth about the all touch Torch 9860. We know that RIM has an AWS version of the 9860 that would work on T-Mobile but we have been getting conflicting signals on if they decided to carry it in the end.

Thanks to TmoNews we have a leaked T-Mobile inventory screenshot showing both the Torch 9860 and Curve 9360 in their system.

For those of you who were looking for a full touch device on a GSM carrier stateside I hope this pans out! It would be T-Mobiles first all touch BlackBerry.

Thanks GP for sending this one in!


TELUS BlackBerry Torch 9860 now available!

TELUS BlackBerry Torch 9860


TELUS customers waiting on the BlackBerry Torch 9860 can now get their hands on one. TELUS has gone ahead and officially released the devices to the masses. If you’re looking to grab one, you’ll either have ti find a retail location with stock or order online. When it comes to price, you’ll be looking at a wide array of options with the contracted version of course being the cheapest of the lost $100 on a new three-year, two-year goes to $450 and a one-year is $500 and if you’re just looking for the goods, no contract — prepare your funding to be less $550. Who’s in? Still on the fence? Check out our BlackBerry Torch 9860 reviews. Yes, reviews — take one and two

Source: TELUS also cb

Bell and Virgin Mobile Canada launch BlackBerry Curve 9360, Torch 9860 also arrives on Bell

BlackBerry Torch 9860 and Curve 9360

Launching a few days ahead of schedule, both Bell and Virgin Mobile Canada have the BlackBerry Curve 9360 available for purchase on their websites. Pricing is consistent across the sites with the entry level device coming in at $349.99 off contract or as low as $49.95 on a 3 year contract.

If you’re more interested in the new BlackBerry Torch 9860, Bell has gone ahead and released it online as well. The full touchscreen device can be yours for $599.95 off contract or $129.95 on a 3 year contract.

Source: Bell and Virgin Mobile  and CB

TELUS releasing BlackBerry Torch 9860 August 30th and Curve 9360 August 26th

TELUS 9860 and 9630

TELUS has been toying with the emotions of those people wanting to pick up the BlackBerry Torch 9860, though not intentionally of course. We’ve seen August 15th, 26th, and the 29th as release dates for the touchscreen BlackBerry, and now the latest word is that it will be available for purchase August 30th.

On the brighter side, RIM’s latest announcement, the BlackBerry Curve 9360, was rumored to be launching late September then pushed up to the end of August. It looks now that this estimate has been pinned down to August 26th on TELUS which is right around the corner. No word on pricing yet for these devices, but I’m sure that will be available before you know it.

Source: Mobilesyrup

Leaked: OS for the BlackBerry Torch 9850 & 9860

BlackBerry OS7

Got a new BlackBerry Torch 9850 or 9860, you’ve not been left out. Grab your USB cable and give OS just like all the cool kids. While we’re not exactly sure what has changed in this update, it’s new and we like new things. As always, make sure you back up your data first and heed the warning below.

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT a.n official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release. Do not contact your carrier or RIM for Beta OS technical support (their first course of action will be to advise you to downgrade to a supported OS). *

Download OS for the BlackBerry Torch 9850
Download OS for the BlackBerry Torch 9860


AT&T roadmap shows Q4 release for the BlackBerry Torch 9860 and BlackBerry Curve 9360


AT&T Roadmap

Not exactly a whole lot of surprises to be found on this purported AT&T documentation but the BlackBerry Curve 9360 showing up is interesting considering most U.S. carriers have remained hush about the device and any possible release dates for it. Either way, the BlackBerry Torch 9860 will be making its way to AT&T, along with the BlackBerry Curve 9360 sometime in Q4. Again, not a lot to go on really but we’ll take it.

Sadly, you’ll notice the BlackBerry Bold 9900 is missing off of this list — we’re not sure why, but maybe that means AT&T is coming to their senses and realized they have way more customers waiting for it than the BlackBerry Torch 9810 and will release it sooner. What? We can hope — can’t we? You of course, shouldn’t take this as a sign of the 9900 NOT coming to AT&T — no one knows how old, accurate the info here is.

Source: Pocketnow


BlackBerry Torch 9850 / 9860 Review, Take 2!

BlackBerry Torch 9860 Ratings


The thin, light-weight design of this Torch, with its curvaceous lines; beautiful screen resolution; and excellent web browser make this into an excellent media-consumption device. BBM, email, and a redesigned virtual keyboard make it worthy of the name BlackBerry.

Continue reading BlackBerry Torch 9850 / 9860 Review, Take 2!

BlackBerry Torch 9850 & 9860 Reviews Roundup!

We did a roundup yesterday of the reviews for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 & 9930 and now it is time to cover the new All Touch BlackBerry Torch 9850 & 9860. These reviews are mostly of the Sprint BlackBerry Torch 9850 Though there are two of the GSM Torch 9860 but the devices are more or less the same otherwise. Reviewers seem to agree that this is what the Storm should have been 2 years ago. They are also loving the fluid OS coupled with the high res screen though the physical buttons seem to be an afterthought in an otherwise well designed phone.

Here is a roundup of the latest reviews. Let us know if we missed any! Please send them to Tips @


BlackBerry Torch 9850 Reviews:

BlackBerry Torch 9860 Reviews:



Carrier price list and availability roundup for BlackBerry OS7 devices due to North America

New OS 7 BlackBerry Smartphones

BlackBerry OS 7 devices are here (or at least on their way)! The BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930, BlackBerry Torch 9810, and the BlackBerry Torch 9850/9860 devices are soon to be hitting the shelves in a store near you. Up north, our Canadian colleagues have already managed to snag some of these next generation BlackBerry smartphones for themselves.

The rest of us, though, we wait anxiously for our chance to buy one of these OS7 devices. How long that wait is depends entirely on your wireless carrier and desired device. Scouring the blogs for this information can be a bit daunting; so we did the work for you.

After the break, you’ll find our list of six major carriers in the US and Canada along with the devices they are rumored to carry. Unless otherwise noted, the information isn’t official from the carriers and thus subject to change. Prices listed are promotional pricing only; purchasing a phone off-contract will, of course, cost more.

Continue reading Carrier price list and availability roundup for BlackBerry OS7 devices due to North America

Leaked Wireless Giant road map shows release dates for BB 7 devices, Cyclone, Calypso, Beats and more

Wireless Giant BlackBerry Road Map

While the buzz over the new BlackBerry 7 devices is still going strong, we’re still trying to pin down official dates for all devices across the board. A faithful reader sent in this internal road map of BlackBerry devices that was supposedly sent out to Wireless Giant retailers (aka BlackBerry Stores). The document shows off a ton of estimated release dates for all the latest devices, including the BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930, Torch 9850/9860, Torch 9810 and even the rumored BlackBerry “Cyclone” (aka BlackBerry TV). Also on the list are Wifi Stereo devices listed as “Beats” and “Calpyso” – what these are we’re not totally sure, but they could possibly be the step up from the Bluetooth Music Gateway in Wifi form.

Continue reading Leaked Wireless Giant road map shows release dates for BB 7 devices, Cyclone, Calypso, Beats and more