More Competition For BBM

With the success of RIM’s BlackBerry Messenger service, the competition are starting to feel the heat. We announced a few months ago that Facebook released a stand alone app designed to enhance the users’ chat experience. Apple also announced some tweaking of their own chat product. These and other companies are realizing that the social experience is not complete without a solid messaging application. This is one area in which BlackBerry has been ahead of the pack for quite some time now.

Now, we can add another competitor to the race of social media domination, Samsung. Samsung, earlier this week, unveiled their new chat service ChatON. This service is to include group chat support, direct link between buddies, and an interaction rank that ranks users on how much they communicate with you. All this sound familiar? It should, as BBM has had these features (minus the interaction ranking) for years. BBM is rock solid and continues to develop with even more features.

  • Do you think that this, and other messenger apps pose a threat to BBM?

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