Are Canadian Carriers Responsible for RIM’s Data Efficiency Focus?

Bold 9900 Shrunk

RedNightHawk pointed out a very interesting article Michael Geist in The Star. In it Michael tries to explain why the Canadian government stepping in to help RIM is not exactly what it should do. Instead he flips the argument on its head claiming that RIM is partially a victim of its Canadian environment. I don’t know enough about the Canadian market but his argument definitely has some truth to it.


Geist points out that RIM has been catering to carriers which is why they had such a focus on data efficiency. This was to please carriers especially Canadian carriers with limited spectrum and limited data plans. While limited data plans are coming to carrier in the US Geist points out that RIM used data efficiency to make their products attractive to carriers while others focused on customers “compared to bandwidth hogging deices such as the Apple iPhone.

Definitely worth a read. Check out “RIM’s woes partly based in Canadian telecom policy” and let us know what you think.


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