IM+ for PlayBook Stuck in App World Approval Limbo for 3+ Months

IMPlus under review

This is really starting to get a bit ridiculous. We have told you in the past that Shape Services IM+ has been waiting for approval in App World since June 2nd of this year. The last time we mentioned it the app had been waiting for approval for 2+ months and RIM finally responded that it would be approved within 5-10 business days. That was 15 days ago. I get that RIM might be a bit busy with all of the BlackBerry 7 device launches but this is getting ridiculous. It has been well over 3+ months since the app was submitted to App World and VP level execs at RIM have been involved.


This is truly a shame since RIM is going to such lengths to encourage BlackBerry development and entice more developers to create BlackBerry apps. Shape is one of the most well known BlackBerry developers since 2003 and they are waiting months for their app to be approved. Its not even like the app competes with a RIM native app or does not perform a useful function. It is a multi platform chat client for the PlayBook. In other words an app that would probably easily become one of the best selling apps on the PlayBook.

I pinged some of my contacts at RIM about the issue and hopefully this time they will finally get it approved. Still from what we have heard from Shape this has already been taken pretty high up at RIM. Maybe RIM is going for a record of “Longest time we can make a developer wait for their app to be approved” for the 2011 BlackBerry Developer Challenge…

Thanks Del for pointing out the update from Shape’s Maria Dyatlova


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