BlackBerry OS 7 Bakes "Add To Existing Contact" Feature into OS

BlackBerry 7 Add To Existing Contact2 BlackBerry 7 Add To Existing Contact1

One of the things I have always wanted RIM to add to the BlackBerry OS has finally been added! Until now you needed to install a third party app if you wanted to easily add an email address or phone number to an existing contact. Well fret no longer. One of our readers pointed out to us that their Rogers BlackBerry Bold 9900 has the ability to add information to an existing contact right in the OS. We confirmed this on a couple of other Rogers 9900s including one of our writers but do not have confirmation from other carrier devices yet so let us know.


Either way I am loving how RIM is taking some time to refine the core BlackBerry OS experience in OS 7. To add information to an existing contact you can hover over the contacts email address in the messages application or hover over the phone number in the phone app and hit the menu button and select “Add to Contacts.” You will then get a popup asking you if you want to create a new contact or add it to an existing contact. I did not have the Rogers 9900 in front of me to field test it myself but so far it seems to be working!


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