The 7 Solid Reasons To Keep Your Faith And Hold On To Your BlackBerry

CIO’s Al Sacco wrote a great article on the 7 Solid Reasons To Keep Your Faith In RIM, BlackBerry which I wanted to share with our readers. The article outlines some great points why BlackBerry is strong and not going anywhere. Despite what negative comments fly, the truth holds strong. Check it out…


Al’s honesty and truth doesn’t make excuses for BlackBerry, and he does go over the rough points, he also points out the best of BlackBerry.

What are the 7 Solid Reasons?

  1. Love that BlackBerry QWERTY Keyboard. I have to agree with Al on that one. I’ve tried touchscreen devices, but I really love my BlackBerry keyboard and can’t use simple phones anymore. I’ve played with the phones and the Apple iPhone, but I really love the BlackBerry’s keyboard for it’s ease of use and functionality.
  2. BlackBerry Battery Life Can’t Be Beat. This is another truth to be said. Compared to the Android devices, the BlackBerry’s battery life is longer. Though many of us keep our BlackBerry on the charger most of the day anyways. I find that most people who move to the Android are shocked by the battery life difference.
  3. Enterprise Security and Manageability. Even though the gap is being filled, BlackBerry is still the dominant business phone. Even overseas they hold the majority of the Enterprise use. Secure and efficient, there’s Enterprise and BES Express.
  4. BlackBerry Messenger and BBM Social. BlackBerry Messenger is definitely unique and it’s my favorite means of communication. And with the apps connecting with BBM v6, even better. You can connect with Foursquare, Facebook, games, and the possibilities go on. BBM is definitely a strength of BlackBerry.
  5. The Future Is Bright With the BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet. While the BlackBerry PlayBook came out without the native email, it really was a neat device. With the QNX system powering the Tablet and the ability to load apps via the Android player, and the BlackBerry Bridge, it has a lot of potential. I know native email to me isn’t a big issue, and I’m loving the apps and how easy it is to use. And to be honest, I’m checking World three times a day looking forward to the next updates and newest apps.
  6. Seven New Handhelds In 2011, Promise Of QNX-Based BlackBerry Devices. We will see seven new devices, and we’ve seen the leaked photos of them, with RIM even displaying the 9900/9930 on it’s very site. All will have the OS 7 which is a transition OS preparing for the QNX-Based devices to come. More memory, more power, thinner. From what we’ve seen, they’re very nice devices.
  7. BlackBerry Data Compression. With the unlimited data becoming a legend known only to those grandfathered with their carriers, and limited data plans for the new customers and those choosing to go to a smartphone, the BlackBerry’s compression of data makes it easier to be online as much as you want without having to worry about your data. Sure one can argue about turning on wifi, but how many of us are fortunate to have wifi with us 24 hours a day? With the BlackBerry, it’s peace of mind and wallet.
While these are actually my additions, you should read Al’s article and his points as he goes into detail. I would have to say it’s even more than just that. The ability to bank on your phone, the security of the phone, the convenience of the apps and the native apps of BlackBerry. I don’t game really, but I do socialize and use Twitter and BBM most with my email. So for me the BlackBerry is my device. I bank on it, never worry about data usage, and love that my BlackBerry and BlackBerry PlayBook work hand in hand together.
I don’t dwell on what it lacks, because there’s always way when there’s a will. I’m happy with what I have but I’m so grateful when changes are made and new apps and features are available. Rome was not built in a day, but nonetheless it is an icon.
via: bbsync

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