BlackBerry Internet Service 4.1 gets detailed

BlackBerry Internet Service 4.1 gets detailed

BlackBerry users will soon be getting a much needed update to the BlackBerry Internet Service, commonly known as BIS. According to information N4BB received, we can expect to see BIS 4.1 come in waves with Asia Pacific first (September 10th), Europe next (September 23rd) followed finally by North America (October 8th).

It looks like new BlackBerry devices running BlackBerry OS 7 will have increased message limit sizes, including the body of the email and attachments sent/received. This means fewer truncated emails and a reduction in the amount of times a user will need to hit “receive more”. It is unknown at this time if these changes will also be available for pre-BB7 devices.

There are also changes being made to email accounts, such as when adding a new email address to your BIS account, the last 20 emails on the server will be pushed to your device. Additional changes include added security for email accounts and the ability to switch SIMs with no interruption to email service.

To see more of what’s in store with the BIS 4.1 update, check out the rest of the slides after the break.

BlackBerry Internet Service 4.1 gets detailed

BlackBerry Internet Service 4.1 gets detailed

BlackBerry Internet Service 4.1 gets detailed

BlackBerry Internet Service 4.1 gets detailed

Source: N4BB