Drome – a local Canadian search application, world domination soon?



The word ‘drome’ is an odd one – it’s one of those words that has many different meanings. It could refer to a place to race or run, or could refer to something that moves together. It’s also a name of an application by Taste My City. Like many Local Search Applications, Drome can handle looking for Movies, Nightlife venues, Coffee shops/Internet Cafes, Hotels, Points of Interest and Restaurants. Depending on the city, you can also receive coupons for many locations via email. Your location is determined by GPS location, cell site or by manual input. Drome offers a few extras, depending on which type of search you are performing. When looking at bars and/or restaurants some locations may have an accessible menu and additionally list forms of payment accepted. For all entries, they at least have a mapped location and a phone number to call. Looking through the movies section, you can check out trailers, show times, galleries, reviews, plot synopsis and more. Extra options include options to add entries to your calendar/address book, various search or filter options and access to a favourites list.

At this point, Drome is only available in specific Canadian cities; Greater Toronto & Southern Ontario, Greater Vancouver Area, Montreal & Laval, Calgary, Ottawa, Quebec City, Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Halifax. Cities in the UK and US will hopefully be announced soon. According to their website, there are plans to expand to Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa and more. Drome still has some promise, but I still prefer Poynt as I can also see weather information, have the option to use Google Maps and have the ability to purchase tickets through the app. Of course, time will tell what Drome will bring to the table. If you want to check out Drome, you can get it for free from BlackBerry App World.

More information/download Drome for BlackBerry smartphones[qrcode pix=150]http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/44125?lang=en[/qrcode]

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