BelCompany to introduce BlackBerry PlayBook in the Netherlands

BelCompany to introduce BlackBerry PlayBook in the Netherlands

Europe, this is for you. After several retailers in the UK announcing the availability of the BlackBerry PlayBook on June 16th, BelCompany is here to do the same for the Netherlands, on the exact same date. Hopefully this means that June 16th marks the launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook in all of Europe, and perhaps other countries countries as well. As far as pricing goes, the BlackBerry PlayBook will be available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB models at 479€, 579€ and 679€ respectively.

As a European myself, I am very excited about this; the BlackBerry PlayBook definitely has something to go for it and I really want to see it become available in every part and corner of the world. What do you think? Is it time for the BlackBerry PlayBook to finally shake the tablet market on a global scale? I think YES! 😉


via: cb

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