France Telecom CEO on RIM: Not Actually Declining But Needs to Fix Quality Problems

france telecomFrance Telecom is the 3rd largest carrier in Europe and has over 216 million customers spread over mobile, fixed line, internet, digital television and IT services. Its CEO is Stephane Richard, and in a recent interview with All Things D, he had a few things to say about RIM. First, which speaks volumes to the media’s perception of RIM that doesn’t jive particularly well with the numbers, Stephane says “[RIM] is not really declining. It’s still popular in Europe.” Stephane also continues by saying that RIM has had quality issues and that in order to stay the course and remain competitive, it needs to address these quality problems. This would probably be a fair judgement as RIM has had a few devices such as the Storm that had many quality concerns and its old trackball hardware which caused many to be frustrated with their device. Here is the exact quote:


It’s not really declining. It’s still popular in Europe. They have customers and users that are quite faithful to them. It works more or less like a community of people. It’s often families that are big BlackBerry users, and of course companies.

They have had some quality problems in the recent period which is a concern, especially with the next generations of devices.

In my view as a customer, or as a partner of them, I think they really should fix very quickly their quality problems.

Read the rest of the interview at All Things D.


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