RIM Launches BlackBerry Mobile Conferencing App in Beta Zone

Image courtesy of PocketBerryRIM has announced the BlackBerry Mobile Conferencing app designed to make scheduling, joining and rejoining conference calls from your BlackBerry quick and easy. Features of the app include:

  • Calendar Integration: The BlackBerry Mobile Conferencing application integrates with the Calendar application on your BlackBerry smartphone for maximum convenience.
  • One Click Join: When your calendar indicates it’s time for a conference call to begin, you get a pop-up display that can dial you into the meeting without you having to remember or dial lengthy phone and access code combinations.
  • Reconnecting: If you’re inadvertently dropped from a conference call, the application allows you to reconnect with one easy click.
  • Store Dial-In Numbers: When there are multiple phone numbers in the invitation for participants in different locations, the application is designed to choose the most appropriate number for you (limited to North American phone numbers only). You can also choose to change the suggested dial-in number manually.
  • Easy Conference Scheduling: Turn almost any meeting invite into a conference call with just a single click. You can also store reservationless or recurring conference information to your conference profile on your BlackBerry smartphone so you can include it in conference call meetings you schedule from your device.
  • Protect Your Host Codes: When sending conference call meeting invitations using conference profile information, participants see only the information they need to join the call. Moderator codes are kept hidden and only used to join the meeting organizer into conference calls in cases where the code is required to open the conference bridge.

The app is live in the Beta Zone so head over there and join. The Mobile Conferencing app requires OS 5.0 or later and the review pool is limited.


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