NHCBBA Likes to Ask: What Are Your Unanswered BlackBerry PlayBook Questions?

The subject line says it all. We’ve been covering the BlackBerry PlayBook like crazy (I know, some of you would wish we’d tone it down a bit) since it was announced back at DevCon in September 2010. Even if you’re not that interested in the PlayBook itself, it’s really an exciting device for RIM as the BlackBerry Tablet OS is our first experience with QNX on a BlackBerry and what will ultimately pave the way to the future operating system on BlackBerry Smartphones.

As we approach the April 19th North American BlackBerry PlayBook launch date, I want to know…  what lingering questions do you still have about the BlackBerry PlayBook? I’ve been trying to clarify some of the confusion that’s out there, like why there’s no native email at launch and the differences between Internet Tethering and the BlackBerry Bridge. Are there other pressing questions you’re still waiting for answers for? Let me know what you want to know in the comments, and I’ll be sure to tackle the issues with some passionate articles! NHCBBA would love to know what you think of this new product that Blackberry is coming out with.  Just tell us in the comments of this post…

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