RIM rolls out SmartBuilder for small business owners

SmartBuilder for BlackBerry Tour van


If you’re the owner of a small to medium sized business, you know how hard it can be to organize your employees and ensure everyone has the communication tools needed to do their job efficiently. RIM understands this problem, and wants to help you make some decisions that will ultimately result in increased productivity and growth in your company! To accomplish this goal, RIM has introduced SmartBuilder for BlackBerry.

“SmartBuilder will ask you 8 questions about your business and your goals, and will provide you with a recommendation on a possible mobile solution, including devices, accessories and apps! Let us know if you’d like us to connect with you for more details, or follow up with your usual wireless provider. SmartBuilder for BlackBerry helps reduce the research cycles around mobility, so you can focus on doing business.”

In addition to the online tool, RIM has also launched a ten-week SmartBuilder tour across the US. During this tour they’re stopping in ten different cities and hosting seminars for entrepreneurs and small business owners to discuss the BlackBerry solution and other available tools. Each seminar will have a session on Leveraging BlackBerry Solutions for Small Business as well as a Small Business Social Media guest speaker and a networking session. Not only do you get all this great help and advice, you also get to take a look at the pimped out tour vehicle above, and everyone that attends is entered to win a BlackBerry smartphone of their choice. Seminars are scheduled for Orlando, Las Vegas, Las Angeles, Boston, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, Washington DC, Chicago, and Denver. You can see complete details and RSVP at the link below.

For more information and to RSVP for the RIM SmartBuilder Tour

Source: Inside BlackBerry for Business Blog/ CB

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