BlackBerry Climbs To #2 on The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010

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The BlackBerry brand has done an incredible job climbing the ranks of The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands. The Vitrue 100 is a list of 100 brands and the volume of discussion on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In 2008, the BlackBerry brand ranked number 20, in 2009, BlackBerry rose to 15 and in 2010, BlackBerry is the number 2 social brand.

A little while ago we had some inside tips and stats regarding RIM’s social media strategy, which according to this report is doing great things for brand awareness. Hit the jump for The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010.

The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010

1. iPhone
2. Blackberry
3. Disney
4. Android
5. iPad
6. Sony
7. Apple
8. MTV
9. Coca-Cola
10. Samsung
11. Ford
12. Mercedes
13. BMW
14. Starbucks
15. iPod
16. ABC
17. Xbox
18. NBA
19. CNN
20. Honda
21. Dell
22. Amazon
23. Hewlett-Packard
24. Nike
25. Nokia
26. Playstation
27. Ferrari
28. Wii
29. eBay
30. Nissan
31. Microsoft
32. AT&T
33. iTunes
34. Adidas
35. Audi
36. NFL
37. Nintendo
38. Red Bull
39. Best Buy
40. Toyota
41. Gucci
42. Visa
43. Victoria’s Secret
44. Disneyland
45. Suzuki
46. LG
47. Fox News
48. Zara
49. Volkswagen
50. Turner
51. Converse
52. Dodge
53. CBS
54. General Motors
55. ESPN
56. Panasonic
57. Porsche
58. NBC
59. Chevrolet
60. Target
61. Jeep
62. Kia
63. Intel
64. Subway
65. NHL
66. McDonald’s
67. Pandora
68. Major League Baseball
69. Sprint
70. Puma
71. Harley Davidson
72. Pixar
74. REI
75. Walmart
76. Mac
77. Discovery Channel
78. H&M
79. Philips
80. Pepsi
81. Prada
82. T-Mobile
83. Skittles
84. Burberry
85. Verizon
86. Louis Vuitton
87. Motorola
88. Krystal
89. IKEA
90. IBM
91. The Gap
92. Sears
93. Armani
94. Cisco
95. Zappos
96. American Express
97. Hurley
98. Oracle
99. Netflix
100. TBS

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