BlackBerry Ban Lifted in Saudi Arabia after 4 hours?!?

Saudi BlackBerrys The Saudi government really meant business when they said they would ban BlackBerry services or fine carriers $1.3 million dollars. The ban hammer went down this morning and for 4 hours users were craving their crackberry fix.

It looks like service went down around 4:30 AM ET but 4 hours later it was all back and running. The Vancouver Sun is assuming that maybe the telecommunications authority did not specify the length of the ban… :)

So now I am kind of curious about what game they are playing:

  • Did they do it just to send RIM a message?
  • Was it a publicity stunt?
  • Are the carriers essentially laughing in the governments face and saying we did what you asked?
  • Did RIM find a way to un-ban their service?

What do you think?

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