Wall Street Journal: RIM Tests A Tablet And New BlackBerry To Rival iPhone

BlackBerry Logo Preferred Black R 287x63 Wall Street Journal: RIM  Tests A Tablet And New BlackBerry To Rival iPhone

We’ve seen videos, photos and details about the BlackBerry Bold 9800 slider and some details of the BlackBerry Tablet, but all have pretty much been leaks. Now The Wall Street Journal has posted their own article where they cite sources and share details about these devices:

RIM is testing a touch-screen smartphone with a slide-out keyboard, according to people familiar with the device. The phone runs on a new version of the BlackBerry operating system and works much like an iPhone, letting users swipe through screens and expand images with their fingers, these people say. It also has a universal search bar that lets users scour all the phone’s data and some data online as well, these people say.

RIM is also experimenting with a tablet device to serve as a larger-screen companion to its BlackBerry phone, say people familiar with RIM’s plans. That device, which is in an early stage of development, will connect to cellular networks via a BlackBerry phone, these people say. It could come out as soon as the end of the year, these people say.

A RIM spokeswoman said the company doesn’t comment on rumors and speculation. RIM executives have said they will ship a phone running a new operating system and a new Web browser in the quarter ending Sept. 30, but haven’t provided details of the device. They haven’t discussed plans for a tablet.

RIM’s upcoming smartphone and operating system—dubbed BlackBerry OS 6.0—is aimed at addressing many of the complaints critics have leveled at the company’s devices. RIM executives unveiled the software at an investor conference in April.

We already know about most of the details in this post but since it’s now coming from a reputable site like the WSJ, I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s a refreshing affirmation. Be sure to read the full post over at the WSJ and let me know what you think in the comments!

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